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The maintenance-friendly garden, but the green version. A garden that is not exactly a piece of cake, but a green oasis that makes the owners happy, the soil life, the rainwater, the insects and of course the birds.
SAS OF GHENT † 100 M² _
Version: Spring 2019
De kern en de drijfveer van het bedrijf zijn vergroening. In elk ontwerp ga ik op zoek naar de juiste balans tussen mens en natuur en bekijk ik hoe deze twee verschillende werelden elkaar kunnen versterken in plaats van elkaar in de weg te zitten. Naar mijn mening is die visie de belofte voor een mooie toekomst.
Whether you sit inside or outside, the most beautiful view is always a green view. Who doesn't enjoy a beautiful garden full of flowers and ornamental grasses that changes every season.
Would you also like to have a planting design? I would be happy to design a custom plan for you.
The planting plans consist of a nice selection of perennials and ornamental grasses that do not proliferate or spread. This makes maintaining the garden a lot easier.
In addition to the planting plan, you will also receive a maintenance booklet with instructions for use for each plant. This way you know exactly what is in the garden and how to care for it.
For more information about the prices click here or send an email to
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