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The maintenance-friendly garden, but the green version. A garden that is not exactly a piece of cake, but a green oasis that makes the owners happy, the soil life, the rainwater, the insects and of course the birds.
SAS OF GHENT † 100 M² _
Version: Spring 2019
Flexibele zitplekken. Dat was de wens voor deze boerderijtuin in Zeeland. De tuin heeft een oppervlakte van 5000 m2 en de zon en de wind hebben vrij spel en een enorme invloed op de keuze voor de lekkerste zitplek. De grote vraag was dan ook; hoe richt je zo'n grote tuin in?Hagen, bomen en rijke bloemen borders vormen zitplekken die over de gehele tuin verdeeld zijn. Op deze manier kan er met een stoel in de hand altijd gezocht worden naar de lekkerste zitplek die wordt bepaald door het weer.
Flexible seating. That was the wish for this farm garden in Zeeland.
The garden has an area of 5000 m2 and the sun and the wind have free play and have an enormous influence on the choice of the best seating area. The big question was, how do you set up such a large garden?
Hedges, trees and rich flower borders form seating areas that are spread over the entire garden. In this way, with a chair in hand, you can always look for the most comfortable seat, which is determined by the weather.
The borders are colorful. Helenium 'Meranti', Echinacea 'Leuchtstern', Helianthus 'Luna', Vernonia 'Elephant', Persicaria 'Ample Pink', Salvia 'Caradonna', Stachys, Geranium, Eupatorium, Phlox and so on provide a cheerful appearance and a garden full of fluttering and buzzing. An insect-friendly garden about which the clients say the following: 'We enjoy the garden immensely, there is so much life to see. We were also surprised at the growth of the plants, a few months after planting everything was already looking great'.
There is a lot to enjoy from a beautiful garden. 365 days a year, 24 hours a day. The seasons come and go and the sun moves over the garden every day. It lives its life and changes continuously. When you see this and can enjoy it, you have discovered a new wealth!
You can get a lot of pleasure from a beautiful garden. 365 days a year, 24 hours a day. The seasons come and go and the sun sets over the garden every day. It lives its life and is constantly changing. When you see this and can enjoy it, you have discovered a new wealth!
Want to see another example of a landscape garden?Then click here.
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